Video Streaming -Free Account

Signing up for Free Account

Our free account at listen2myradio comes with an unparalleled package of prime features.

Every Account Includes

Personal Page & Personal Subdomain

With listen2myradio every radio station has its own unique page. Select from two stylish color designs, adjust your infos appearance, upload your logo, and more. Choose your own subdomain and receive 7 cool domain names.

H.264 & VP6

listen2myradio supports these video codecs, both of which will be seen perfectly by your viewers. Try both, and see whats best for you.

Shoutbox, Blog and Gallery

Keep your listeners up to date by adding a blog and gallery to your radio page. Use your shoutbox to interact with them and get feedback, and post photos to show off your studio and more.

Video Flash Player

With our Flash Player, you can be sure that everyone will be able to see your station. Compatible with both PC and Mac, the player has the option to resize the video and manage the volume.

1000 viewers Limit

Whether 1 or 1000 viewers tune into your show at the same time, listen2myradio is committed to providing the best quality sound and connection for everyone.

Supported by Ads

So you dont have to pay for the great services you receive on listen2myradio, your free account is financed by the ads on your page. That means your station can only be viewed on the subdomain you have created.

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